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Joseph's Place Millet Fund

The current political climate in the Republic of Niger, West Africa has caused food prices to skyrocket. In the past year, the cost for sorghum, a preferred millet by natives, increased by 40% and the cost of rice increased by 25%. Due to food blockades and limited access to vital necessities like fertilizer, Emerald's Jewels is asking you to partner with us in providing millet to the youth we service at Jospeh's Place.

Sorghum is rich in a variety of nutrients including vitamin B, zinc, and iron, all of which contribute to good health. It is also low in fat but high in protein and fiber. According to WebMD a half cup of whole grain sorghum provides 10 grams of protein, 6.45 grams of fiber

and is rich in antioxidants.

With your donation you can help feed the children of Joseph's Place and their families. Your contribution of $180 provides each child with one 220lb bag of sorghum and one 55lb bag of rice and includes transporting the goods to their villages.

Please help us today and make an impact on our community today.


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